A day with a camera, plants and things..

Spent a few hours up on the downs, then a few more hours in Wakehust Place, a National Trust property here in Sussex.

Not my normal subjects in photography, but very enjoyable to have a try!

Back in Seville

So good to be back in this welcoming, warm and friendly city – already so full of memories and always offering images of the kind of urban art that I so enjoy trying to capture.

I am thinking about what motivates me to take certain images. There are very obvious themes – on this trip so far there is the obvious attraction to street art:

And then the general urban shots :

People of course, but again always in a more urban setting :

But in a way the images that give me a lot of satisfaction is where I find a particular scene that sets itself up for framing a person. So I have selected two of these in this post.


The skill becomes one simply or patience – just waiting for the right person to walk into the shot. They are a nice combination of a statement without being at all posed – at least as far as the subject is concerned.


Thank you Charlie

For the first time in 14 years you are not here. I miss you so much. Your soft intelligent eyes, the gentle sound of you asleep, your enthusiastic welcome whenever I came home.

You were the most constant, loyal friend. To me you are still here, I see you everywhere and I always will.

You fill my heart. I am so proud of you and so very, very priveleged to have been the person you chose to love.

I love you.


Innovation Day at Claromentis

Last Friday we had an innovation day at  Claromentis and the result is a thought provoking issue for me. I don’t post that often about business, but this one really got me thinking.

Basically the engineering team – Desing, Dev, Testing – had a day off away from the demands of scheduled tasks to work on anything they felt like – perhaps a project they had been thinking about but never had the time to do, or new technology that they felt could help our platform. We then scheduled a meeting at the end of the day where anyone could present their idea – along with free beers. Great way to spend a Friday..

As this was our first try at this we didn’t really make a big deal of it, just scheduled it and let people respond as they wished. The results were really amazing – we had 6 great ideas presented to us, with a lot of the outline work done and shown to the team. They were incredibly varied – and I have to say all of them, without exception, were good and valid concepts.

So what’s the issue? Simply that we now have to find a way to select one or two for further development, and I need to do that without discouraging everyone else! Its one of those occasions where you just don’t want to select any winners – you want to give everyone time – and therefore resources – to keep working on their concept.

Sometimes competition produces an unwelcome side effect – someone has to lose. Like any business we have limited resources  .. any ideas how to encourage everyone but still select just one idea to be carried on, potentially into production?